We will not tolerate political activities; Celtic warn fans

A unexpected assault into Israel from Gaza early on Saturday morning resulted in the massacre of hundreds of Israeli citizens and the capture of about 100.

The Israeli air force’s retaliation attacks on Gaza have resulted in hundreds more deaths.

The Israeli air force’s retaliation attacks on Gaza have resulted in hundreds more deaths.

On Saturday afternoon, a group of Celtic Park supporters erected a giant “Free Palestine” banner and several Palestinian flags. Victory For The Resistance!”

Nir Bitton, a former Celtic player and current Maccabi Tel Aviv midfielder, claimed the fans participating were “brainwashed” after the incident, adding, “Shame on you!!! Yes, liberate Gaza from Hamas, not Israel.

“Supporting terror organizations who openly celebrate the murder of families is insane! Embarrassing.”

His Instagram post was deleted.

The club has now added its voice to the condemnation, saying the display of the banners do “not represent the views of Celtic Football Club and we disassociate ourselves from them”.

In a statement on Monday evening, the club added: “We condemn the display of such messages at Celtic Park. Celtic is a football club and not a political organisation. One of our core values from inception is to be open to all regardless of race, colour, politics.

“That is why the Club has always made clear that political messages and banners are not welcome at Celtic Park, or any match involving Celtic. At a time of loss and suffering for many, it is entirely inappropriate for any group of individuals to use Celtic Park as a vehicle for such messages.”

Pro-Palestinian banners at Celtic Park. Photo: PA

The statement concludes: “We call on all supporters, regardless of their personal views, to unite in backing our players and the Club while respecting the rights and beliefs of others; particularly those whose lives are affected by violence and hatred.”


According to reports, the Celtic board have also held talks with their current Israeli player, 22-year-old winger Liel Abada, regarding the matter.

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